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Itsik Manger, Le meravigliose avventure di Shmuel-Abe Abervo, Belforte

  • Notizie

Finalmente, dopo 23 anni, vede la luce questo gioiello della letteratura yiddish, tradotto da Sigrid Sohn e da me: tanti ne sono occorsi prima di riuscire a trovare un editore. Di che cosa si tratta, è presto detto: i bambini, come tutti sappiamo, prima di nascere sono degli angioletti e stanno in Paradiso. Quando arriva… Leggi tutto »Itsik Manger, Le meravigliose avventure di Shmuel-Abe Abervo, Belforte

Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union, 2018: A New Structural Look. 2

Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union, 2018: A New Structural Look. 2   Documenting and Conceptualizing Contemporary Antisemitism   Historiographic Debates and Social Scientific Theory   Antisemitism in the most simplified caption is a negative perception of Jews. Perceptions of antisemitism imply that some kind of phenomenology exists exterior to those who report… Leggi tutto »Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union, 2018: A New Structural Look. 2


IN THE SHADOW OF THE CAESARS 1 Ho avuto il grande onore di essere invitato, lunedì 26 giugno prossimo, a partecipare a una Tavola Rotonda presso la Hevràt Yehudé Italia be-Israel di Gerusalemme, nella quale si parlerà dell’ultimo, poderoso libro di Samuele Rocca, intitolato In the Shadow of the Caesars. Jewish Life in Roman Italy… Leggi tutto »IN THE SHADOW OF THE CAESARS 1

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 5

5 The Impact of the Duty of Non-Recognition on the International Status of Jerusalem   Let us consider now how this regime of international non-recognition developed in relation to the status of Jerusalem. It was already seen that the international community has generally rejected Israel’s post-1967 annexation of East Jerusalem. This finds ample confirmation in the practice… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 5

Lettera da un Priore di Montagna

Abstract: Don Milani (1923-1967) Catholic priest and teacher born Jewish, author of the famous book “Letter to a teacher”, protested against the inequality between rich and poor, which according to him was exalted by the school system. His teaching is still much discussed today, because it is considered that he lowered the level of the… Leggi tutto »Lettera da un Priore di Montagna

Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union, 2018: A New Structural Look. 1

Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union, 2018: A New Structural Look. 1   Introduction   According to the second study of experiences and perceptions of antisemitism undertaken by the Fundamental Rights Agency of the European Union – FRA – among Jews in 12 EU countries, in 2018, a large majority of respondents (85… Leggi tutto »Jewish Perceptions of Antisemitism in the European Union, 2018: A New Structural Look. 1

L’occhio di Dio

L’occhio di Dio Da alcuni giorni, come è stato notato e denunciato, nel giardino dell’Ambasciata iraniana a Roma fa bella mostra di sé un’alta forca, assolutamente uguale a quelle che, da sempre e dovunque, vengono adoperate per le impiccagioni: un alto palo verticale, alla sommità del quale è fissata una corta trave orizzontale (a cui… Leggi tutto »L’occhio di Dio

Henry Kissinger, a 120

  • Notizie

Oggi Henry Kissinger compie 100 anni e due giorni: auguri. Come Segretario di Stato USA ha aperto alla Cina, fino a quel momento quasi uno Stato dimenticato, per non dire peggio, e che ora si appresta a sostituire lo Stato (mal) rappresentato dallo stesso Kissinger. E’ stato un successo? Si potrebbe ipotizzare che l’Unione Sovietica,… Leggi tutto »Henry Kissinger, a 120

Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 4

4 The International Law Sources Relevant to the Status of Jerusalem: in Particular, the Principle of Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force   Going back to the proceedings concerning Jerusalem before the Tribunal of Rome, the abovementioned UN resolutions were pivotal to the Tribunal’s finding, in its Order No. 31253, that… Leggi tutto »Non-Recognition of Territorial Acquisitions by the Use of Armed Force: The Status of Jerusalem before Italian Courts. 4